Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Project 10 LED MAtrix10x10

led matrix 10x10 module board for any purposes.  

I Need a designed who that have customized size. and PCBWay able to print just like this precisely. My design use ordinary led. if you got dead pixel simply replace one of that dead LED.
Strong PTH (Pad Trough Hole) because its use double side high quality FR4 Board. You wont easy to remove feet from Board. even you push down. several one layer board (with out PTH) will cause nail out the cooper track, yes easy damage by accident. if you heat this double layer, with enough tin top and bottom so they will locked each  other, hard to pull hard to push. when i drop this modul. i found LED still struggle hold the board , honesty several LEDs bend not  but NOT nail out.

 so what you waiting for? order this board via PCBWAY.COM i design below 10x10cm i means you got special price $5 in any color that you can select from list (perhaps you want red or blue, except purple is expensive one.)  come on PCBWAY give my more color selection.. i bored with this color,,  perhaps pink?  mixed color?  cyan , grey with yellow slik part footprint. or other alternative color, this is 2019.. that olor not fashionable any bore.. honesty my eye get bored :D 
please hear my suggestion.

Do you wanna modification this design ? please download gerber file at

the scheme is very simple. connect all anoda to vertical line as Y row port and connect all kathoda line become X column port. its easy to find col1 untul col10  and row1 to row10

Bill Of Material 
need 100 pcs led .. prefer use red bright .5 mm
dont forget buy header connector 20 pin

Selasa, 11 September 2018

Project 9 audio spectrum analizer 10 band channel

download the gerberfile


perhaps you can mod into small one ? or use uln2003 to drive more power to big display matrix led.

you can create your own led matrix display or just create from this design..

thanks for you Mr. Bebe  for great design. now is your assignment to create and talk about the code :D  i dont have ready one.. yet :)

at that time i were waiiting for the package.. dont forget always include free universal PCB that may be you need latter here the detail package i hope arrive soon

here the video unbox the package


Mr. Lam

Senin, 09 Juli 2018

Project 7 CDC

Specification :

Project Number 7  code name    CDC

double Layers Size 100x99mm 1.6mm

Material : FR-4 TG130

Thickness : 1.6 mm Min Track/Spacing : 6/6mil

Min Hole Size : 0.3 Solder Mask : Green Silkscreen : White

Project stil under audit. but no more action, Freezed project ?

Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

projects 6 Audio Power Amplifier OCL PCB

visit Vlog my Friends that record my activity unboxing Packet  PCBway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrpT48etpfA

We re make from OCL 504 mono from PCBway shared project. come on visit https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/ to download this design..

great excelent pcb we order at www.pcbway.com

Selasa, 17 April 2018

Project 4 - minisys atmega16 dengan rtc ds1307

report progress.. i will create demo blink LED use universal PCB shield.

MInimum system menggunakan IC atmega16.

referensi pustaka :


friend who made this happen :


video unbox package pcb

Minggu, 18 Maret 2018

Project 4 minisys atmega16

Project 4 .   Minimum system using IC atmega16 design from fareedish.blogspot.com

Mari belajar mikrocontroller menggunakan minisys atmega16.
desain diambil dari fareedish,blogspot.com  yang di upload pak rahman di akunnya di cetak di pcbway.com belajar mikrocontroller itu mudah asal ada guru dan bahan prakteknya :-)

bahan yang dipersiapkan project ini.

IC 7805
IC atmega16 beserta soket
ic ds1307 beserta soket
xtal 16 Mhz
soket DC adaptor
header pin 40 atau secukupnya
capasitor 100uf/25V
capasitor 22pf 2x
LED indikator
push button mikro 3 biji.

langkah pertama anda harus mempelajari dulu  apa itu minmum system.
tujuan praktek kali ini untuk mengenalkan kepada siswa perangkat pengendali kecil yang mudah.
IC Atmega16  adalah IC microcontroller yang digunakan untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan peralatan lain. sehingga diperoleh peralatan yang otomatis berjalan sendiri., dapat dilengkapi sensor untuk pengambilan keputusan. contoh  kipas angin diberi sensor suhu. bila suhu naik maka kipas di nyalakan. dilengkapi port yang tersambung pada panel led matrix besar /Dot Matris Display tipe p10.

Project 3 Tone control ic

This Project remakefrom Rachman Project number 74. Tone control have 3 ics. use Mono pot.. create two opposite for stereo needed. or many channel as mixer.

still in progress...

 i will back to inform you the process make the tone control